Sunday, July 12, 2009

Westfield Defeats Hazlet 2-0 in NE Tourney

Westfield White defeated Hazlet 2-0 in an exciting game that saw great pitching from both teams. Vin Difilippo started for Westfield and he was nearly unhittable. He pitched 3 innings and only allowed a single base runner while striking out 5. The lone runner who did reach base battled Difilippo for a walk but he was gunned down moments later by Westfield catcher Devin "The Animal" Anderson who made a great throw to Michael Mobarakai at 3rd who applied a quick tag.

Westfield got on the board in the bottom of the 1st when Chris Rinaldi came around to score on a Nick Mele RBI single.

Scott "The Strike Machine" Tupper took the mound in the 4th with Westfield leading 1-0. Tupper was crafty, changing speeds and locations and throwing mostly strikes. He allowed only a single in the 4th and that batter was quickly retired attempting to steal when catcher Mele fired a bullet to SS Rinaldi who applied the tag.

Westfield was able to add a run in the 4th to make it 2-0. Rinaldi led off with a single to left field and then he stole 2nd and 3rd. With 1 out, Difilippo hit a hard grounder back to the mound and Rinaldi headed home as soon as the pitcher threw to 1st base. The Hazlet first baseman made a nice throw to the plate, but Rinaldi slid under the tag to add to the Westfield lead.

Two Hazlet runners reached base in the 5th on walks, but the lead runner was erased by Mele on another laser of a throw this time to 3rd baseman Difilippo who applied a nice tag. Tupper began the 6th, but with 2 runners on (hit by pitcher and an error) and the lead off hitter at the plate, Westfield decided to make a pitching change. Rinaldi came on to relief Tupper and got the 1st batter to pop up to shallow right field. Brett Robertshaw made a great running catch to record the out. Rinaldi then walked the next batter to load the bases and Hazlet had the tying run on 2nd with 1 out. Rinaldi struck out the #3 hitter for the 2nd out. The clean up hitter sent a Rinaldi pitch into center but Scott Tupper was there to record the final out of the game.

Westfield plays next on Monday at 6:00 PM against Hillsborough in the Bridgewater tournament.

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